Monday, August 13, 2012

Symptoms of Leukemia in Children

Symptoms of Leukemia in Children
Blood cancer or leukemia can affect anyone, irrespective of age. Leukemia is a type of cancer most often found in children.
'Scene' of the leukemia was in the bone marrow. Ago, and a naturally ask anyway, in which the bone marrow?
Just imagine when eating a chicken leg. Once the meat is gone, his bones were broken, and the center of our bones suction.
The part that sucked it was called the bone marrow.
Bone marrow is the factory of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (Ieukosit), and platelets (thrombocytes). As a simple illustration, the bone marrow can be identified with an area of ​​such plant
Problems begin to arise when the "employee" in the factory leukocytes demonstrated by anarchists. They prohibit the factory production. As a result, levels of leukocytes in the blood becomes low. Not content to demonstrate in its own plants, plant them into erythrocytes and platelets. Similarly, it prohibits that both plants do not produce. As a result, levels of erythrocytes and platelets in the blood become too low.
Still not satisfied demonstrated in the factory, the "employee" is out and explore other areas to spread everywhere, including to the brain, gums, skin, bone, liver, spleen, and testis.
If levels of erythrocytes in the blood is low, then the child will look pale. In addition, children often experience fever without a known cause is due to levels of leukocytes in the blood are too low and bleeding, like bleeding skin, gums, or nosebleeds due to levels of platelets in the blood are low.
When children have all three of these symptoms or at least two of them, a child could suspected leukemia. In addition to the above symptoms, other symptoms can also be found as a result of the spread of cancer cells to other organs in the body.
Other symptoms include seizures, swelling of the gums, bone pain, stomach look bigger, and testis appears enlarged and hard.
When parents see the hat of the above, immediately take the child to the doctor to confirm whether the symptoms experienced can be categorized as a sign of developing leukemia. If not, of course we are grateful. However, if it is true that the symptoms are found to lead to leukemia, it still should be grateful. Because it means the leukemia in children was found in an early state.
The earlier and the sooner a child with cancer treated, the greater the possibility of recovering the child. Thus, it is important for parents to be aware of symptoms of cancer in children from an early age, especially leukemia.

Early Detection of Cancer in Children

Kids with Cancer
Early Detection of Cancer in Children? Up to now, of the many cancers that can be encountered in children, only one type that can be detected early early, the cancer or the eyeball is known as retinoblastoma. Therefore, in relation to childhood cancer, it is important for parents to know and be aware of the symptoms of cancer in children given that there are only one type of childhood cancer can be detected early.

For early detection of retinoblastoma is called: "See Red". Examination can be done a number of health personnel have been trained before. Not necessarily by the doctor on duty at a large hospital. In Public Health examination can also be done using a tool called ophtalmoscope. A tool to view the inside of the child's eyes examined.

Retinoblastoma occurs in children aged under five. In the process of examination, the child is usually asked to sit on the lap of his mother. Meanwhile, the examiner was not far from the front merja.

When the eyes of a child in a normal condition, the examiner, via ophthalmoscope tools, will see the red reflection of the child's eyes.

Instead, the examiner will encourage parents to bring their children to health facilities is more complete when through the tool, the examiner did not see the red reflection from the eyes of the child. Or there is the reflection of a red color, but the child's eyes examined cross-eyed. Therefore, it is important for the examiner to determine whether previous cross-eyed child in question or not.

Now, after discovery of the examination "See Red", is expected to check parents want their children once a year as long as young as toddlers. No one ever expect children affected by retinoblastoma. However, when God commands others, at least we can find it at an early stage.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How to Prevent Cancer in Children

Childhood Cancer
How to Prevent Cancer in Children? Cancer in children is different from cancer that is found in adults. Cancer in adults can be prevented, while the child is not.

Please note that the pattern of living and healthy eating should still be taught to children early on. Not merely aimed at preventing cancer that can occur in childhood, but to prevent that by the time they mature, can be protected from various types of cancer that usually affects adults.

The International Union Against Cancer, or better known by the UICC, advised parents to teach children, among others, for not smoking, eating a balanced diet pattern, and follow the immunization program in force in their respective countries.

Appeals are aimed at making the children when the age of adulthood can be protected from lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer, and other types of cancer that can only occur in adulthood.

Many parents blame themselves for their children with cancer. Assume that they are the cause of all problems that occur in children,

Expected after reading the information above, parents may increasingly realize that such an assumption is not correct. Presumably this explanation will clarify the parents' knowledge about cancer in children.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Heart Cancer - Signs and symptoms of liver cancer - Liver Cancer Treatment

Liver Cancer
Hepatitis B is the biggest factor of liver cancer. Rates of Hepatitis B in the high world quite . A total of 632 000 new cases are found globally to reach the 396 000 deaths each year (data 2008). Dharmais Cancer Hospital, liver cancer ranked the third most common cancer in men who suffered and was ranked the 10th most common cancer suffered by women.Primary liver cancer is usually known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a common form of cancer that is found throughout the world. This type of cancer usually affects people who have a liver disorder or liver cirrhosis.
The liver is the largest digestive organ in the human body. Liver weight in adult humans around 1400-1600 grams, which is about 2.5% of body weight. The liver is located under the right lung and protected by the rib cage.

 Liver function
• Participate in the process of making proteins. Protein required for cell growth. The liver is responsible for the production of 90% plasma protein.
• As a place of storage.Liver stores carbohydrates, iron, and vitamins that are useful when the body requires. The liver also stores and release glucose into the blood from and to emnyediakan energy for the body.
• Producing bile.Bile is a substance that aids digestion and absorption of food. 
• The place of detoxification and decomposition of substancesLiver break down chemicals into the body like alcohol, drugs, and waste products from the body. Hearts also break down red blood cells that die into a coloring substance urine and feces.
Causes of Liver Cancer Risk Factors
• Hepatitis B virus infection and C
70% of liver cancer caused by hepatitis B virus infection 

• Excessive alcohol consumption
• The use of needles to drug users may increase the risk of exposure to Hepatitis B virus infection and C 
• Exposure to toxic molds (aflatoxin) is a fungus that is found in peanuts
 • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
• Obesity 
• The use of anabolic steroids in the long term• or hereditary haemochromatosis by iron accumulation in organs• Men have a higher risk for liver cancer. Comparison of male: female = 3: 1

Signs and symptoms of liver cancer
• Pain and discomfort in the upper right abdomen. The pain may spread to the back and shoulders 

• The yellow color of the skin, eyes and mucus membranes in the mouth. 
• Dizziness, nausea and vomiting 
• palpable lump in the right upper abdomen.
 • The stomach was enlarged and fullness
 • Itching of the skin 
• Loss of appetite and weight loss drastically
 • Fatigue and lack of energy
 • Stool pale white as clay
 • Urine is cloudy and dark like tea

Liver Cancer Treatment
Treatment options for liver cancer depends on several things, depending on the tumor, stage, liver function, patient age and general health condition.  

Handling is done usually in the form: 
• Surgery 
• Liver transplantation
• Percutaneous ablation
• Kemoembolisasi
• Treatment with sitostatika sisitemik
Not all cancers can be prevented. But if we know the risk factors, we can do to find cancer early detection as early as possible so it can cope with the best possible medical with a good prognosis. Like wise in liver cancer, we can do early detection.

Prevention and Early Detection of Liver Cancer
• Perform HBsAg and anti HCV to determine if we are infected with Hepatitis B virus atu C, which is one factor in liver cancer 

• Perform an abdominal ultrasound examination

• Conduct pemeriksann tumor marker 
• Do not consume alcohol 
• Maintain a healthy weight by exercise
• Maintain a balanced diet and living
• For those who had suffered from hepatitis, perform regular inspections

Friday, August 3, 2012

What is cancer of the cervix - Causes of Cervical Cancer - Cervical Cancer Risk Factors - Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer - Cervical Cancer Prevention

     Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervix. Cells in the cervix change into a malignant nature. Cervical Cancer Cases490 000 women in the world are diagnosed with cervical cancer, 240 000 of them dying. 80% of patients in developing countries. (WHO, 2002) 

      Currently in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, cervical cancer ranked the second most common of all cancers suffered by women.

AnatomyThe cervix is ​​the bottom of the uterus. The cervix is ​​the end or mouth of the burrow or vaginal intercourse. Can be explained also that the cervix connects the uterus and vagina.
Causes of Cervical Cancer 

      Until now indicated the cause of cervical cancer because HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) types 16 and 18. This is because as in patients with cervical cancer, 99% were found HPV.
Mode of transmission of HPV:

• Sexual contact -> the majority 
• non-sexual contact (from mother to baby during birth, medical devices that are not sterile, public toilets)

Cervical Cancer Risk Factors :

• Married or sexual contact at a very young age (age <18 years)
• Childbirth many children
• Multiple sexual partners 
• Smoking (active or passive) 
• History suffer from PMS (Sexually Transmitted Disease) 
• HPV infection
• Having a partner who suffers: cervical cancer, genital warts 
• The couple has a previous sex partners who suffer from cervical cancer
• Suffering from an old infection in the reproductive organs 
• Having low immunity (due to drugs, diseases ex. AIDS)

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer: 

• In the early stages often do not have any symptoms 
• abnormal vaginal bleeding (bleeding after intercourse, bleeding between menstrual periods, menstrual blood counts a lot).
• abnormal vaginal discharge (yellow-white, odorless) 
• Low back pain (pain in the spine) 
• Cervical pain (when a finger or penis is inserted into the vagina) 
• Pain during intercourse. 
• Pain when urinating on the circumstances that further

Signs and symptoms if the cancer is in a state of information: 

• Difficult BAK (urinating) and possibly kidney failure.
• Pain kadang2 urinary bladder and blood. 
• Swelling in the legs.
• Diarrhea, or pain in the anus or bloody CHAPTER 
• Nausea, fatigue, decreased weight, decreased appetite, and painful. 
• Constipation (hard bowel movements)
• Abnormal hole in the cervix (fistula)
• Enlarged lymph limphe (lymph nodes) in the neck or armpit. 
• The spread further into the bone, lung, intestine or brain m giving a sign - a sign of abnormal.

Cervical Cancer Prevention: 

• Conduct a healthy sexual behavior (personal hygiene, not multiple partners) 
• Conduct early detection by Pap smear and the IVA once a year for those who have married or had sexual contact.
• Implement HPV vaccination (may be given from the age of 9 years)

Early Detection: 

Cervical cancer is treatable if found in early stages. Early stages can be found by doing a Pap smear once every 1 year.