Based on data from medical records Dharmais Cancer Hospital, 2010, breast cancer is currently the most common cancer for women. Dharmais own hospital, breast cancer ranked first of the 10 largest cancer. Nearly 85% of breast cancer patients come to the hospital in an advanced stage. This will affect the patient's prognosis and cure rates. In fact, if breast cancer is found in the early stages, the cure rate of patients will be very good.
To find breast cancer in its early stages, that is needed is early detection. It is recommended to women under the age of 35 years to perform breast ultrasound and women over the age of 35 years are encouraged to perform a mammogram once a year. With early detection it if it will be easy to find if there are tumors that are small in size though and action will be expedited treatment or surgery.
Prevention is the most important thing rather than treatment. Prevention is also much cheaper than treatment. For prevent breast cancer, there is a very easy and without the cost. Prevention is by doing BSE (Breast Self-Check) on a regular basis every month. Of BSE have been described in the article about BSE.
At the time of BSE, if it found signs of breast cancer, it should immediately went to the hospital for further diagnostic examination.
Signs of breast cancer are:
• palpable lump in the breast. Lumps often feel pain
• There are changes in the breast skin texture. Harden the surface of the breast skin like orange peel
• There are wounds that do not heal
• Discharge from the nipple
• There is a basin or pull on the skin of the breast
Every woman has a risk for developing breast cancer. But there are some women who have a higher risk factor for developing breast cancer than other women. Risk factors mean factors that can trigger breast cancer in women. If a woman has a risk factor, not necessarily he will develop breast cancer. But a woman is having a greater chance for developing breast cancer compared with women who have low risk factor in itself.
Factors of breast cancer are:
• Women who are unmarried, not pregnant, and not breastfeeding
• Women with a history of benign breast tumor
• Women who have a maternal lineage family (mother, aunt, sister) with breast cancer
• Women who use hormonal KB (pills, injections)
• Frequent consumption of fatty foods
• Women who menstruate the first time under the age of 12 years
• Women who are menopausal at the age of 50 years
Breast Self-Examination (BSE)
These Five Simple Steps Breast Self-Examination (BSE)
Prevention of breast cancer is the most inexpensive and convenient way is to perform BSE (Breast Self-Examination) every month with the routine. With BSE, a woman can understand the changes in their breasts as small as possible. If there are signs of breast cancer, can be directly found in the early stages so that the cure rate will be high.
Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and arms at the waist.
This is to be sought:
* Does your breast size, shape, and color as usual, we should be suspicious if the breast has a large unequal or asymmetric
* The appearance of breasts flat with no visible distortion or swelling.
If you see the following changes, bring to a doctor to be examined:
* Dimpling (surface interest / concave), puckering (wrinkle), or swelling of the skin
* The nipple changes position or interested (motivated and interested in)
* Redness, pain, rash, or swelling.
Step 2: Raise your arms and look for the same change.
Step 3: When in front of the mirror looking for any signs of fluid coming out / coming from one or both nipples (this could be a liquid such as milk, yellow or blood).
Step 4: Next, check your breasts while lying down, use your right hand to examine left breast and left hand use to check the right breast. Palpation (feeling) is done with slow, gentle touch with 3 fingers simultaneously. Perform circular every part of the breast.
Press the entire breast from top to bottom, from one side to another - from the top to the stomach, and from the armpit to the middle.
Follow the pattern. You can begin to examine the nipple, moving to a larger and larger until it reaches the outer edge of the breast. You can also move your fingers vertically up and down. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the front to the back of the breast: for the skin and underlying tissues, use light pressure. As for the deeper tissues using strong pressure.
Step 5: Feel your breasts while standing or sitting. Many women who find an easy way to check their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery to perform this step in the shower (while bathing). Pressing the breast to the same hand movements described in Step 4.
The time is right for BSE: 10 days after the period is calculated from the first day of menstruation.
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